Project Essentials
- LocationCalgary, AB
- ClientCity of Calgary
- ArchitectSturgess Architecture
One of Calgary’s largest infrastructure investment’s to date, the Calgary Green Line is a light rail transit line intended to improve mobility choices for Calgarians by connecting people, places and enhancing quality of life.
The City of Calgary sought to develop a consistent structural approach to all of the built infrastructure occurring along the Green Line, including a 46 km route, 29 stations and a number of ancillary buildings, while adhering to a distinct architectural style throughout.
To address this challenge, Fast + Epp worked closely with Sturgess Architecture to develop a standardized Kit of Parts, which includes three primary structural elements. These elements, when combined in various different configurations, accommodate the desired architectural variability/style while also maintaining the economies of scale garnered from a standardized Kit of Parts.
By maintaining a consistent structural approach, the City of Calgary will be able to achieve the desired design expression while working within the budgetary constraints of a publicly funded infrastructure project.