New report: Wood Use in British Columbia Schools
September 22, 2022
We are proud to have co-authored a new report titled, “Wood Use in British Columbia Schools.” The report was written in collaboration with Thinkspace for Forestry Innovation Investment. It highlights the advances in wood use technology, updated BC building codes, government support, and appreciation for the use of wood and its significant sustainability benefits – a lower carbon footprint when compared to concrete, as well as an ability to store (sequester) carbon in the building once it is complete and keep it out of the atmosphere.
From the Executive Summary: “Wood, particularly in British Columbia, is an inherently valuable resource for the design and construction community, with a huge opportunity to increase its use in both new construction and renovations and upgrades. One sector that deserves special attention when it comes to an increased use of wood in design and construction is the education sector, with a focus on K-12 schools.
Each school project, regardless of whether it is new construction, an addition / expansion, or a retrofit, represents an opportunity to further the provincial and federal governments’ desire to reduce carbon emissions and footprints, work towards net-zero and support local forest-based economies. Additionally, school districts have ready access to homegrown technology that is leading edge, globally. In other words, there are many reasons to use wood in schools.”
The guide is a must-read for school districts, administrators, and design professionals on the use of wood and wood products in the construction of K-12 schools in British Columbia.
Download the guide here.